Technical Indicator Hints at BTC Doubling to $140K in 3 Months

The crypto market is currently buzzing with optimism, fueled by predictions of massive growth in Bitcoin&'s value in the coming months. Analyst TechDev suggests that Bitcoin could double its current price. Similarly, others like Anthony Scaramucci and Brad Garlinghouse have also expressed bullish outlooks, with Scaramucci predicting Bitcoin could reach $400,000 long-term by comparing its market cap to gold&'s. Although the market anticipates the upcoming Bitcoin halving as a potential catalyst for price increases, Coinbase warns of seasonal market challenges.

Bitcoin to Double?

Bitcoin&'s current price of $69,000 could potentially double to around $140,000 in the coming three months, according to a pseudonymous analyst known as TechDev. The analyst bases this prediction on Bitcoin&'s performance relative to the Bollinger Bands, a technical analysis tool that measures momentum and volatility. Notably, Bitcoin has closed two consecutive months above the upper Bollinger Band, a trend that in the past caused the price of BTC to double in the three months that followed.

Despite the optimism, it is still very important to note that Bollinger Bands, like any technical indicator, have limitations. They are reactive, depending on past price actions and volatility, and their effectiveness can vary across different market conditions.

In addition to TechDev&'s analysis, Anthony Scaramucci, the CEO of SkyBridge Capital, also shared his bullish outlook on CNBC, predicting that Bitcoin could reach $170,000 during its current cycle. Scaramucci&'s long-term vision sees Bitcoin achieving a market cap roughly half that of gold&'s total value, which could translate to a price of approximately $400,000 per Bitcoin.

This speculation is based on Bitcoin&'s current market capitalization of around $1.35 trillion, compared to gold&'s $15.8 trillion. Scaramucci also highlighted the role of the newly approved spot Bitcoin ETFs in driving retail and institutional demand, comparing their rapid inflow to the initial success of the Gold ETF (GLD).

Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse is also optimistic as he believes the entire crypto market could double its value to $5 trillion by year-end. Garlinghouse points to several factors that might cause this growth, including the upcoming Bitcoin halving, regulatory developments, as well as the growing popularity of Bitcoin ETFs.

A Drop to $50K Seems Off the Table

There are many others in the industry also very optimistic about what BTC could do over the next few months. Dylan LeClair, a senior analyst at UTXO Management, shared his optimistic thoughts on Bitcoin&'s (BTC) price trajectory. He believes that a downturn for BTC to $50,000 seems improbable for now, mostly due to the cryptocurrency&'s resilience in maintaining higher support levels and a calm derivatives market.

As Bitcoin hovers around $69,314, LeClair points out that climbing back into the $70,000–$75,000 range could exert a lot of pressure on short sellers. With the market&'s current consolidation, an upward shift towards $70,000 could trigger liquidations worth approximately $174.17 million, according to CoinGlass data. Should Bitcoin hit the upper end of LeClair&'s forecast at $75,000, around $830 million in short positions could be liquidated.

Despite the possibility of a 27% decrease to $50,000 causing serious long position liquidations, LeClair is still very confident that this scenario is very unlikely. His optimism is backed by the recent higher low patterns and the current stability within the derivatives market. However BTC’s last dip below $50K was not too long ago as on Feb. 13, the crypto king fell to $49,725.

Further boosting Bitcoin&'s outlook is the involvement of global asset manager BlackRock, which recently updated its Bitcoin ETF prospectus to include some well known Wall Street firms as authorized participants, which means that institutional interest in Bitcoin is still booming.

Crypto trader Rekt Capital suggested that the market is still in the early stages of a bull phase, hinting at even more potential price climbs in the short term.

Seasonal Challenges

On the other hand, Coinbase has some concerns. Crypto traders and enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the upcoming Bitcoin halving that is expected to happen around Apr. 20 or 21, as a potential catalyst for a price surge. However, Coinbase, in its Apr. 5 market commentary, suggests that while the halving could indeed drive prices higher, it still faces challenges due to the time of year, traditionally a weaker period for crypto markets and other risk assets.

Historical data from digital assets research firm Brave New Coin points out that Bitcoin has typically seen a monthly return of about 2.7% from June to September since 2011, compared to an average return of around 19.3% during the rest of the year.

Additionally, Coinbase pointed out that overall crypto volumes have been declining, which could be an indication that the market is in search of a new narrative to fuel further price increases. Despite this slowdown, Coinbase is still optimistic about the entry of new investors into the crypto market, particularly due to Bitcoin&'s growing acceptance as a form of &quot;digital gold.&quot; This acceptance could attract a new subset of investors, potentially stabilizing prices even as the market continues to experience volatility.

Coinbase suggests that the increasing involvement of investors might lead to shallower price dips than in previous cycles, with potential dips being bought more aggressively. This behavior is in anticipation of volatility during price discovery phases.

Historically, Bitcoin halving events have been linked to price spikes. The previous halving in May of 2020 saw Bitcoin&'s price rally from $8,787 to almost $69,000 by November 2021, showcasing the significant impact these events can have on the cryptocurrency&'s value. As the market approaches the next halving, people are hoping for a repeat of past price performances despite the potential challenges revealed by Coinbase.

What is a Bitcoin Halving?

The Bitcoin Halving is a cornerstone event in the cryptocurrency sphere, designed to cut the reward for mining new blocks in half, thus slowing down the influx of new bitcoins into the market. This event happens about every four years or after every 210,000 blocks have been mined, as part of a strategy to enforce scarcity and control inflation by curtailing the supply of new bitcoins. Initiated with a reward of 50 bitcoins per block, the reward has been methodically reduced through successive halvings, aligning with the original intent to limit Bitcoin&'s total supply.

The backbone of Bitcoin is its underlying blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger system upheld by a network of computers, known as nodes. These nodes validate transactions, with each node possessing a copy of the entire transaction history, thereby boosting the security and integrity of the Bitcoin network. The inclusion of more nodes enhances the network’s resilience and security features. As of early 2024, the network boasted approximately 18,830 nodes actively participating in the validation process.

The halving event has far-reaching implications across various facets of the Bitcoin ecosystem. In terms of inflation, the halving mechanism aims to counteract the dilution of value, maintaining Bitcoin&'s purchasing power. Traditional economies target a 2% inflation rate to foster growth, whereas Bitcoin employs halving to make sure its finite supply doesn&'t lead to value depreciation.

Despite this, Bitcoin&'s efficacy as a guard against inflation is limited to its performance against fiat currencies, affecting its functionality as a day-to-day payment method. Market gains from increased Bitcoin values provide some inflation protection for investors but do not directly benefit the cryptocurrency&'s use for transactions.

The reduction in the supply of new Bitcoins typically leads to an increased demand, as seen by the price surges after previous halving events. Originally envisioned as a decentralized payment system, Bitcoin&'s investment appeal has surged, with investors speculating on price increases post-halving. This speculative nature places Bitcoin more within the realm of investment rather than its intended use as a currency.

Mining, a critical process in the Bitcoin ecosystem, is directly impacted by halving events. Miners, who secure the network and process transactions in exchange for Bitcoin rewards, find their profits diminishing with each halving, assuming prices don&'t adjust proportionately. Large-scale mining operations, like Marathon Digital Holdings, prepare for these events by expanding their mining capacity and holdings, anticipating the increased competition and reduced rewards. Conversely, smaller miners and those in mining pools face reduced earnings, which can prevent them from participating unless there is a major market shift that increases Bitcoin&'s value.

For the average consumer and Bitcoin user, halvings primarily influence the value of the Bitcoin they hold or use for transactions. Price volatility, a hallmark of the Bitcoin market, may see shifts due to a halving, affecting how consumers and those using Bitcoin for remittances perceive and use the cryptocurrency.

GBTC to Bitcoin

Meanwhile, the bankrupt cryptocurrency lending firm Genesis sold about 36 million shares of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) for a staggering $2.1 billion. This transaction took place on Apr. 2, with the shares priced at around $58.50 each at the time of the sale. The proceeds from this sale made it possible for Genesis to acquire an additional 32,041 Bitcoin, priced at $65,685 per Bitcoin, which ended up greatly boosting its assets as it navigates through bankruptcy proceedings.

The decision to liquidate the GBTC shares comes after their value appreciated by about 50% since Feb. 2, when Genesis initially got permission from a U.S. bankruptcy court to proceed with the sale. At that time, the shares were valued at $38.50 each. This strategic sale and subsequent Bitcoin acquisition seems to be part of Genesis&'s broader efforts to manage its debts responsibly and efficiently.

Genesis&'s move has sparked discussions within the cryptocurrency community, particularly regarding its potential impact on the broader market. Coinbase weighed in and suggested that the sell-off is unlikely to cause any big market disruptions. According to Coinbase, the funds from the sale are expected to remain within the crypto ecosystem, thus maintaining a neutral effect on market dynamics.

This development comes after a statement from the Digital Currency Group (DCG), stating that its subsidiary, Genesis, is proposing to repay its customers more than what they are legally entitled to receive. DCG argued that Genesis&'s current repayment plan could result in lenders receiving &quot;hundreds of millions of dollars more&quot; than their original claims as of the bankruptcy filing date.

This article was originally posted on Coinpaper.com -> Click here to read the article there.

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